SCWCD Mock Exam by Piotr Nowicki

This test might help to test your knowledge before taking the Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6: JSP and Servlet Developer Exam.

There are some well-designed and good quality SCWCD 5 mock exams already available on the net . However, the below questions, focus mainly on the new features which comes along with the Servlets 3.0 FR specification.

These questions were made to help myself in preparations for the new exam, so I hope that they can be used not only for testing purposes, but also as a learning material.

Source Code

All of the questions' source code was uploaded at my GitHub repository, so feel free to check it. In each directory you’ll find webapp subdirectory which consists of ready-to-deploy exemplary code. If the question was related to the JAR files (i.e. web fragment questions), these will be located in the question’s main directory.


Most of the examples were tested on Apache Tomcat 7 and some were tested on Glassfish v.3.1 and Resin 4.0.16.

In the answers, the "Reference" section points relevant parts of the Servlets 3.0 Final Release specification which should be helpful to understand the particular topic.


If you liked the questions and would like to show that you appreciate work put into its creation, you can express it by sending me an e-mail at or you can consider making a donation in:

Have fun and good luck!

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